His first day back at school after the lockdown ended, Ajian eagerly tore open the colorful package and gazed at its contents with curiosity. It was filled with so many little treasures: hand sanitizer, towels, soap, a thermometer. The teacher helped Ajian and his classmates read through the instruction manual, demonstrating how to use the materials correctly and introducing the 7-step technique for better handwashing.

Ajian lives in a low-risk area, so he is allowed to take off his mask once he arrives at school, but he chooses to keep it on anyway. “I am only a kid,” he says, “and I don’t want to be the one who causes us to lose the progress we’ve made. I’m not going to take any risks.” He has brought his dedication to personal hygiene back home, teaching his grandparents the 7-step handwashing technique and reading the instruction manual to them, hoping to help keep his whole household safe.


Tong Tong - Special Needs Children


Fucui - Left Behind Children